Founded in 1998 by Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment, The Jurassic Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing dinosaurian research around the globe. To date, we have contributed more than $850,000 in funding to the scientific community – making us one of the largest private funders of dinosaur research in the world.
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The Jurassic Foundation’s influence is global. In the 21 years since its inception, the Foundation has awarded over 350 research and exploration grants, with the majority supporting students, postdoctoral researchers, and/or residents of developing nations. Awards have been made to researchers in 27 nations spanning six continents, including countries such as Chile, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Egypt, where funding for paleontological research is otherwise in extremely short supply. Within North America, grants have been awarded in 29 US states and five Canadian provinces. Funds from the Jurassic Foundation have led to the discovery of new dinosaur species, prompted hundreds of research publications, and have played a significant role in launching the careers of top paleontologists worldwide.

The Jurassic Foundation is run by dinosaur scientists for dinosaur scientists. The Foundation is staffed entirely by volunteers: a President, an eight-member Scientific Board of Directors representing six continents, a Treasurer, and two Communications Directors, all of whom are accomplished professional paleontologists. If, like us, you are fascinated by dinosaurs, excited by new paleontological discoveries, and eager to advance the careers of young scientists and researchers in underprivileged nations, then we urge you to consider supporting the Jurassic Foundation’s mission.