Am I eligible?
Students, postdoctoral researchers, and other scientists with limited funding opportunities may apply to the Jurassic Foundation for grants to undertake research on any aspect of dinosaur paleontology (e.g., field exploration, fossil preparation or conservation, morphology, taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, evolution, paleobiology, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, taphonomy, and other research areas).
To be considered for funding, applications must clearly and compellingly demonstrate that the proposed project will have a direct impact on our understanding of non-avian dinosaurs and/or Mesozoic birds.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the Jurassic Foundation President prior to preparing an application if they are unsure whether their proposed project would fulfill this requirement.
Researchers from economically developing nations are especially encouraged to apply; however, proposals from established researchers are funded only in exceptional circumstances. Established researchers seeking Jurassic Foundation funds are strongly encouraged to contact the President prior to beginning an application to discuss the suitability of the project.
Also, please note that the Jurassic Foundation no longer makes repeat awards to the same investigator; in other words, if a person has received a Jurassic Foundation grant in the past, they are no longer eligible to receive additional grants.
When is the deadline for submissions?
Two granting cycles are held each year. The deadlines for these cycles are February 15 and September 15; all applications must be e-mailed or postmarked by these dates. Applicants will be notified by May 15 and December 15, respectively, regarding the status of their application.
How much funding can I request?
Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to successful applicants. However, most grants average between $1,000 and $2,000. All grants are paid in U.S. funds and all budget requests must be in U.S. dollars.
How will my application be evaluated?
All grant applications are reviewed by the entire Jurassic Foundation Scientific Board of Directors. The President, Secretary, and Communication Directors do not participate in proposal evaluations. Applications are not sent out for ad hoc reviews.
What are the expectations if I receive an award?
Availability of Research Results
Grantees are expected to make the results of their research available to other researchers and the public via publication in peer-reviewed journals, books, lectures, presentations at scientific meetings, web sites, or other accepted avenues. Specimens collected under a Jurassic Foundation grant must be accessioned into the collections of a public or private, non-profit institution. The Jurassic Foundation reserves the right to participate in the announcement of scientific discoveries resulting from Foundation-funded research.
12 Month Research Report
All grantees are required to submit: 1. a brief status report one year after receiving funds; and 2. a one-page summary report on all work completed under the auspices of the awarded proposal upon completion of the project. If the project is completed within one year, a single report will suffice. Status reports and final reports should be sent to current Jurassic Foundation President Lindsay Zanno via e-mail (